Friday, September 12, 2008

US, UK, DU and us

Depleted Uranium (DU) - The unconscionable acts of the US continue to abhor and regrettably fascinate me ... the amount spent on this war (and the continuing war on terrorism) should be seen as an exponential ratio to the lack of humanity and emotional intelligence the blair-ites and bush-ites posess ... the greater the amounts spent, the greater is the childish ignorance of these 'upstanding' pieces of moral fibre ...

"For the past three months Dr. Zenad has been monitoring the birth defects in their delivery room (Basra, Iraq) where 20 to 30 babies are born daily. She keeps her findings in a hard-backed grey notebook. ... She begins: 'August - we had three babies born with no head. Four had abnormally large heads. In September we had six with no heads, none with large heads and two with short limbs. In October, one with no head, four with big heads and four with deformed limbs or other types of deformities..” Guardian Weekly, 1/10/99

The cost of the cleanup after Iraq war is at present assigned as $150BN+, but with 350tonnes of Depleted Uranium scattered over the middle east...

"It is next to impossible to clean up DU dust.. "The cost of cleaning DU residue in the Gulf would be prohibitive. The price tag for removing 152,000 pounds of DU in the now-closed 500 acre Jefferson Proving Ground in Indiana has been estimated to have been $4 billion to $5 billion." Christian Science Monitor 4/30/99

.. so with 152K Pounds of DU costing $4-5BN, just how much is a 350+ TONNES clear up going to cost? I doubt such a things hasn't even entered into the corridors of consideration where the US and UK are concerned

More US dollars well spent:
American Revolution: $3.2 billion
War of 1812: $1 billion
Mexican War: $1.8 billion
Civil War: $50 billion for the Union, $21.8 billion for the Confederacy
Spanish-American War: $6.5 billion
World War I: $588 billion
World War II: $4.8 trillion
Korean War: $408 billion
Vietnam War: $584 billion
Persian Gulf War: $82 billion (more than 90% of which was paid by U.S. allies)

The arrested development of those in power has prevented them from being morally and emotionally mature enough to face reality with an admission of wrongness ... such an affliction only leads to more of the same because the child-like mentality that has gotten them this far is hardly going to fail them now, hardly wrong. War is all they know that works

... the wrathful force of a spoilt child in a greedy capitalists body ...

It's afforded them the money they posess and the slaps on the backs they acquire from other immature figures who haven't the backbone to stand up and be heard so they hide behind the veil of underdeveloped, unconscionably misunderstood religosity and righteousness which provides them with a herd mentality and sameness that they wish to impose upon the rest of us

... the rest of us that are growing more than they in ways that they never want to understand and never will ... they cower at the prospect of betternment of the human race out of fear of realisation that they're just a little underdeveloped ... kids with a brain welded into 'Pseudo-Learned-isms' . . .

"so more war as a diversion from our own psychological, moral incompetancies, NOW!!", cry bush and blair (once they get their thumbs out of their mouths).

"The truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it" - The Talmud.

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