Friday, September 12, 2008

Climate Change - The Longest Emergency

Just finished a few books, namely 'High Tides' by Mark Lynas -,

and another called "The Long Emergency" by Howard Kuntsler -

Rather nice wake up call to how this planet is run and a just reason to re-prioritise. It provides a nice perspective on the happenings and, for me, brought to the fore what our concerns should be about in this day and age.

It sorta takes the wind out of the New MP3 and DVD Players sails when one begins to consider what there might need to be done to stay aware and alive in the coming half century. No it's not all doom and gloom, and neither is it supposed to be ... but a shirking away from such a concept at this moment in time is only analogous to the reaction that you may have when the time comes .... which is just cause for one and all to stop, consider and listen to reality and try and take the headphones outta your ears and stop looking in HMV's bargain basement for a sec and have a ponder about what might happen when all the oil goes ... when climate change has had such an effect on agriculture that we don't have half the culinary luxuries there are today when we sit at our table ...

IT appears that localities and communities may be on the return during and after the Long Emergency - which is no bad thing ... it's getting a tad monotonous with all these big buildings and 8 choices of everything ... I could get into what I mean but I've got to head off now ... Personal interaction on a grand scale is always better than grand (corporate) action on the personal scale ...

Dream is Destiny

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