Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Black Hole of Greed - Space Wars?

From GeurillaNews: RE: Space Wars
"While 'there are executive orders that say we don't want to do that... [and] there's been a long-standing U.S. policy to try to keep space a peaceful place... we have in space assets absolutely essential to the conduct of our military operations, absolutely essential to our national security,' Haver added. " (Haver being Rich Haver, a former Defence Official).

Just came accross this this morning, and one cannot but think about the consequences of such a prospect. Space, 'final frontier' and all that it is, has seemingly already been claimed by the US (if they could grasp a galaxian concept, no doubt the stars within the galaxy would be Branded with the Bush Stars and Stripes....sickening thought, but it seems homeland security virus is airborne and this lame excuse for defence expenditure has reached a land where ordinary human being has even experienced yet .... so, by any logical conclusion, by the time we get up there, it'll be a barren wasteland like Michigan or Palestine or somesuch ...

Look, as soon as people realise that there IS NO SECURITY THREAT, IT'S MANUFACTURED, there is no need for 'Homeland Security', it's manufactured; as manufactured as Pop Idol, and that we don't need a hug from the Murderers in suits we have placed our trust in, the sooner we can begin to right this ever expanding wrong ... the concept of Terrorism is a psychologically manufactured stage desinged to frighten us as would (supposedly!) another dose of Hallowe'en in the movie theater, except that nowadays the Movie Theater is the globe, the world, and the actors are the Bushes and Blairs, but the victims are REAL and the special effects are not special but still effective, in the worst way concievable....
The blase, not-a-second-thought-about-it attitude we have had for monumental explosions and mass killing sprees on the Big Screen is the precisely same attitude exacted by these governmental Oscar contenders playing out a greedy role on the gobal stage on a daily basis ... and all the while, we sit in the theatre seats of our offices and homes and traffic jams worrying about our hair, stomachs, television schedule for the night or new GAP range ... what carrotts we entertain, what nonsensical distractions we allow ourselves to be sold for ...

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