Friday, September 12, 2008

Considerations ...

Here's a video with Richard Heinberg, author of two books worthy of a gander .... 'The Party's Over' and 'PowerDown' ... check them out

Also ... the Free Speech Network Website isn't a bad site either ... check it out after looking at the video ...

I intend to get back to this topic and to discern the benefits that will come when Oil starts to become a precious commodity and users are prioritised according to commulal benefit ... the re-prioritising of our values, localising and its benefits - local markets and produce ... shared concern for local communities moreso than what passes for same now ... not taking air travel for granted ... re-acquiring skills that we thought have been scrapped due to our 'Modernisation' .... the understanding of Modernisation as a mere Project that spanned a few decades rather than a state of impermeable change ...

Also ... and this is very important ... China and how it's gigantic economic and environmental footsteps are affecting our everyday everything and it's own consequence of guzzling nearly 20% plus of the remainder of Oil ... It's poor enviromnemtal record ergo contribution to Global Warming (and then some ..)

Little things now ... but significant in 30+ years time ...

Another few links that might interest you - Norman Finkelstein ... new book 'Beyond Chutzpath' is causing a furore in the States



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